Monday, 12 December 2011


The last week has kept me really busy. As I have written before my home university requires me to make learning agreements BEFORE I start studying abroad in order to transfer the credits for the courses I attend. However, since the classes I intended to take were sceduled at the same time I decided to take International Business instead of Human Resource Management. Unfortunatley I didn't have a learning agreement for that class, which got me a little stressed out last week. In the end I wrote I really nice letter to my university begging them to give me a learning agreement even though I was 2 months late... and it worked! Two days later they had send it to my mom's address, which means I don't have to take the same course again in Germany :D

Apart from the learning agreement more good news awaited me last week. We got our grades for the midterm exams and they turned out really well. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to celebrate because back home a couple of case studies waited to be finished.

I must say that I'm pretty surprised how much work needs to be done at this university compared to my courses in Germany, where there usually is one final exam which counts for 100% of the grade. At PSU the exams (each, midterm and final exam) usually count for 20-30% of the grade. Apart from this we need to submit at least 1 case study and we get grades for either group discussions and presentations or quizzes (about 10-12! per subject). The Thais really know how to keep someone busy!

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Anna,

    wir sind 2 Studenten aus Deutschland/Österreich und werden diesen Herbst in Phuket studieren,

    Kannst du eventuell uns deine Mail-Adresse geben, da wir doch einige Fragen an dich hätten ;) Ich hoffe dir gefällt es gut, den die Fotos machen schon ne riesen Vorfreuda auf das nächste Semester.

